A huge thank you to our special guest speakers and the visitors who took time out of your busy schedules to attend the meeting last night! – As an informational meeting, and sponsored by the Pawnee GOP (with the help from 2 other counties) we’re thrilled with the feedback and participation.
Thanks again! come back for more info and we will definitely post events sooner next time.
Special thanks to my wife Jennifer for handling the Facebook Live event which should be available for 30 days.- https://www.facebook.com/share/v/3vYLqfgiTBHVV6U5/
Special Meeting this coming Tuesday October 29th at Cleveland, 7PM. To Be Held at the Cleveland High School – multipurpose room
Guest Speakers:
State Senator Chuck Hall & Rep. Ty Burns have been invited to speak about ballot questions and other issues for the Nov 5th General Election, and to take your questions regarding the State of Oklahoma politics. This is a chance to ask questions directly to our elected officials.
Victor Castillo from OCPA (Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs) will also be speaking.
visit https://ocpathink.org/about for more info on the OCPA
If you would like to send questions or comments in advance- please scan this QR code
This meeting is sponsored by the Pawnee GOP, as a service to all residents of Pawnee County.
We will also share the meeting on Facebook Live or Youtube channel @PawneeFreePress
Meeting Agenda
Opening Prayer & Pledge of Allegiance
Guest Speakers
Q&A time
SQ 833 – in short – allows special “infrastructure districts” to be funded by new tax assessments of your property. It also allows these newly created districts to create bonds up to $10 million dollars. This measure can include imminent domain issues as well.
This measure adds a new section, section 9E, to article 10 of the Oklahoma Constitution. Section 9E will permit the creation of public infrastructure districts to provide support, organization, operation, and maintenance of services. To create such a district, proponents for creating the district must file a petition with the municipality. The petition must include the signatures of one hundred percent of all surface property owners falling within the district’s proposed boundaries. The municipality possesses the right to impose limitations on the district’s powers prior to approving the district. Once approved, the district will be governed by a board of trustees. Through the board, the district may issue bonds to pay for all or part of all public improvements implemented by and for the public infrastructure district. The district will be limited to issuing bonds issued for such improvements not exceeding ten (10) mills. For repayment of the bonds, the district, acting through its board of trustees, will levy and assess a special assessment on all property benefiting from the improvements in the district. Section 9E also authorizes the Legislature to enact laws necessary for the implementation of public infrastructure districts.
SQ 834 – in short – clarifies existing law to specify ONLY US Citizens can vote in Oklahoma.
State Question 834 would amend Section 1 of Article III of the Oklahoma Constitution to clarify that only citizens of the United States are qualified to vote in the state.
Current language reads:
“Subject to such exceptions as the Legislature may prescribe, all citizens of the United States, over the age of eighteen (18) years, who are bona fide residents of this state, are qualified electors of this state.”
Suggested constitutional amendment:
“Subject to such exceptions as the Legislature may prescribe, only citizens of the United States who are over the age of eighteen (18) years and who are bona fide residents of this state, are qualified electors of this state.”